My Vodafone App




In collaboration with a global team, we undertook a comprehensive redesign of the Vodafone mobile app, ensuring it aligned with user insights and addressed pain points from the previous version. Our primary focus was to establish visual harmony with the new Design System, creating a cohesive and user-friendly experience.

In collaboration with a global team, we undertook a comprehensive redesign of the Vodafone mobile app, ensuring it aligned with user insights and addressed pain points from the previous version. Our primary focus was to establish visual harmony with the new Design System, creating a cohesive and user-friendly experience.

In collaboration with a global team, we undertook a comprehensive redesign of the Vodafone mobile app, ensuring it aligned with user insights and addressed pain points from the previous version. Our primary focus was to establish visual harmony with the new Design System, creating a cohesive and user-friendly experience.




Visual Design UI & UX Design



Work with

January 2023

In collaboration with a global team, we undertook a comprehensive redesign of the Vodafone mobile app, ensuring it aligned with user insights and addressed pain points from the previous version. Our primary focus was to establish visual harmony with the new Design System, creating a cohesive and user-friendly experience.

Elevate the Vodafone Mobile App Experience

In collaboration with a global team, we undertook a comprehensive redesign of the Vodafone mobile app, ensuring it aligned with user insights and addressed pain points from the previous version. Our primary focus was to establish visual harmony with the new Design System, creating a cohesive and user-friendly experience.

My Role in Shaping the App's Transformation

As a key contributor, I played a pivotal role in bridging the gap between global design guidelines and local Czech market requirements. I meticulously analyzed user journeys, identifying areas for improvement and adapting global guidelines to suit local nuances. Additionally, I took on the lead responsibility of crafting final UI flows in Sketch, translating our design vision into tangible user interactions.

Redefining Mobile Engagement with Vodafone

By meticulously refining the app's design and functionality, we successfully enhanced user engagement and satisfaction. The redesigned app now seamlessly integrates global design principles with local preferences, providing a consistent and intuitive experience for Czech Vodafone customers.

Then I help the team validate ideas and different directions by testing low-fidelity prototypes. Then I define the design principles for our new redesign website and help the design team to follow them.

Then I help the team validate ideas and different directions by testing low-fidelity prototypes. Then I define the design principles for our new redesign website and help the design team to follow them.